Three people were killed and five others have gone missing as a landslide hit Lalighat Bazaar of Kotwada-6 in the district on early Friday. The deceased have been identified as Dhanamati Tamata of Syna-2, Hira Tiruwa of Syna-5 and Laxman Bhandari of Dhaulagoha, Police Inspector Tek Jora told Repblica Online. Five have gone missing in the landslide. Those missing in the landslide are Sanjite Tamata, 50, of Syuna-2, Shrista Bam, daughter of Takka Bam of Thirpu-5, Mani Subedi, 50 of Raku-2 The landslide triggered by a heavy rain on Thursday night swept away over 20 houses of the Lalighat Bazaar. According to police only three among those buried in the landslide have been identified. A search rescue work for those missing in the landlide is underway. Eight people are injured in the monsoon-induced disaster, said DSP Kishan Singh Budal.and Aja Sarki's four-month-old son of Bajura